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Roden 737 FWD Model B 3-ton US Army

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Roden: Type B WWI Bus "Pigeon Loft" in 1:72 [1070737]

Type B WW1 Bus "Pigeon Loft" - a British bus from the First World War, specially modified to transport communication birds (primarily pigeons) in order to deliver important messages from military units in combat areas directly to command headquarters.

A small number of Type B buses, all of which were requisitioned from the streets of London for military service on the Western Front, performed a little-known but very important service from 1914 to 1918, which, given the imperfections of the new means of communication at the time, such as the telegraph, helped save the lives of many soldiers of the Entente. Each of the buses could transport from 60 to 75 birds at the same time in specially installed cages on both floors of the vehicle. The birds were released into flight through specially fabricated cutouts on the second floor of the bus. Such an exotic means of transmitting information was used almost until the final days of the war, and Type B buses played a very important role in this rather interesting episode of the conflict.

Empfohlen für Modellbauer und Sammler ab 14 Jahren. Aufgrund maßstabs- und vorbildgerechter bzw. funktionsbedingter Gestaltung sind Spitzen, Kanten und Kleinteile vorhanden. Verschluckungsgefahr. Deshalb nicht in die Hände von Kindern unter 10 Jahren!