Tamiya 74067 Formzange für Fotoätzteile

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Artikelbezeichnung: Formzange f. Fotoätzteile

Adding photo-etched parts is one of the best ways to give your model a professional-level finish, ensuring that it stands out from the pack. However, we all know that working with stainless metal parts can be trickier than with standard plastic parts. Tamiya is offering the following 3 craft tools to make using photo-etched parts easier than ever before. Purchase all 3 tools to vastly simplify your modeling work; it's as easy as 1-2-3!

About the file

- Diamond file is perfect for light carving of hard materials like stainless metal.
- File won't snag on thin photo-etched parts and carves equally well in any direction.
- File features half-circle shape for easy filing in hard-to-reach places.