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Trumpeter 751019 Soviet SS-1D SCUD-C

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Plastikmodellbausatz eines sowjetischen Spezialtransporter mit Abschussrampe für SS Scud-Raketen. Toller Bausatz mit über 1330 Teilen, Metallteilen, Photoätzteilen und Gummireifen. Länge gebaut 289 mm / Breite 108 mm.

The first use of the term Scud was in the NATO name SS-1b Scud-A, applied to the R-11 ballistic missile. The R-11 used technology gained from the V-2 as well, but was a new design, smaller and differently shaped than the V-2 and R-1 weapons. The R-11 was developed by the Korolyev OKB[1] and entered service in 1957. The most revolutionary innovation in the R-11 was the engine, designed by A.M. Isaev. Far simpler than the V-2's multi-chamber design, and employing an anti-oscillation baffle to prevent chugging, it was a forerunner to the larger engines used in Soviet launch vehicles.
Further developed variants were the SS-1c Scud-B in 1961 and the SS-1d Scud-C in 1965, both of which could carry either a conventional high-explosive, a 5- to 80-kiloton nuclear, or a chemical warhead. The SS-1e Scud-D variant developed in the 1980s can deliver a terminally guided warhead capable of greater precision.
All models are 11.35 m long (except Scud-A, which is 1 m shorter) and 0.88 m in diameter. The missile reaches a maximum speed of mach 5.
Item No.: 01019

Empfohlen für Modellbauer und Sammler ab 14 Jahren. Aufgrund maßstabs- und vorbildgerechter bzw. funktionsbedingter Gestaltung sind Spitzen, Kanten und Kleinteile vorhanden. Verschluckungsgefahr. Deshalb nicht in die Hände von Kindern unter 10 Jahren!