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Italeri 3925 Freightliner FLD 120 (Classic)

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  • 1:24
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Detaillierter Plastikbausatz des Modells Freightliner FLD 120 (Classic) im Maßstab 1:24
Founded in 1942, with more than 70 years of activity in the commercial and industrial vehicles industry, the Freightliner Trucks company, is a piece of the road transportation history in the United States. Since 1981 the owner is the multinational corporation Daimler AG that reinforced the role of Freightliner to be a reference point on the market. One of its icons is the Freightliner FLD that was introduced on the market in 1987. It is characterized by an aerodynamic design, applied to the "conventional tractor", that was very innovative for the time. The Freightliner FLD remained in production for many years until the beginning of the 2000. A lot of versions were produced with special configurations and outfittings able to satisfy every kind of transport need. The FLD was an excellent platform for the customization and for the creativity of the American "truck drivers".

Empfohlen für Modellbauer und Sammler ab 14 Jahren. Aufgrund maßstabs- und vorbildgerechter bzw. funktionsbedingter Gestaltung sind Spitzen, Kanten und Kleinteile vorhanden. Verschluckungsgefahr. Deshalb nicht in die Hände von Kindern unter 10 Jahren!