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Peco NR-41S 7 Planken-Waggon

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Railway companies all had a stock of their own vehicles for carrying goods and merchandise around their network, and also onto other companies' routes as and when required. These were integrated into British Railways at Nationalisation; some of them to be once more re liveried under sectorisation as the network was prepared to be returned to private ownership. All Peco wagons feature free running wheels in pin point axles. The ELC coupling, whilst compatible with the standard N gauge couplings, keeps a realistic distance between the vehicles and enables the PL-25 electro magnetic decoupler to be used for remote uncoupling.

Empfohlen für Modellbauer und Sammler ab 14 Jahren. Aufgrund maßstabs- und vorbildgerechter bzw. funktionsbedingter Gestaltung sind Spitzen, Kanten und Kleinteile vorhanden. Verschluckungsgefahr. Deshalb nicht in die Hände von Kindern unter 10 Jahren!