MTL 99301680 SRMX Flachwagen-Set 3-tlg Ep.5

Dieser Artikel ist lieferbar Liefertermin laut Hersteller: 2018
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3er Set Flachwagen der SRMX beladen mit Titan Rocket Boostern für die Epoche 5.

In 1964 Southern Pacific developed the 100-ton F-100 flat cars primarily to use their Hydra-Cushion technology to move large or sensitive components. Five cars of the class were assigned to transport Titan Rocket Boosters and it?s supporting equipment from Vandenberg AFB, California to Cape Canaveral, Florida for assembly. These cars remained in SP service until 1994 when United Technologies took over the program until the last Titan launch in 2008. This weathered 3-pack will include resin-cast booster canisters, 3D printed AC Units and decals to decorate the loads.