Walthers 3264 Machine Shop

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Machine Shop - Kit - 20.6 x 13.3 x 16.5cm

While most roads had one major backshop, making repairs at outlying terminals was soon shown to be faster and more cost-effective. As new engine terminals were built, most received a machine shop capable of handling just about any type of repair that might be needed. This all-new kit matches the design of the Modern Roundhouse (933-3260, sold separately), and can be built as an attached or freestanding building. It also includes a boiler house, which would supply steam, electricity and compressed air to the entire facility. Large roll-up doors can be built open or closed, and the baseplate has slots that accept popular rail sizes. Great Accessory for Modern Roundhouse #933-3260

Build As Attached or Freestanding Building

Includes Boiler House with Stack

Doors Can Be Built Open or Closed

Baseplate Slots Accept Popular Rail Sizes