Walthers 3228 Car shop

Dieser Artikel ist vorbestellbar Liefertermin laut Hersteller: 4-8 Wochen
74,99 *

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Telefonische Beratung:
+49 (0) 2 11 - 37 35 01
The long miles can be hard on railroad cars. Rough handling can shift loads, damaging steel bodies. Wooden floors wear out and need to be replaced. Wheel flanges and brake shoes wear down. Exposure to weather and vandalism can ruin a paint job. Sooner or later, every car winds up at the Car Shops to be repaired, repainted and reading once again for service. Ideal for steam- or diesel-era operations, this building features the longitudinal style used on most prototype designs. An authentic saw-tooth roof, 22 large windows and roll-up doors are all included.