The Zen 218 offers both 21MTC and 8-pin connections in ONE decoder. We created the ZN218 because if you model UK or some other prototypes, then there is a fair chance that you will end up buying both 21MTC and 8-pin NEM652 locomotives, and you may never know which is inside until you decide on the loco! Zen 218 takes away the worry about decoder choice by incorporating both 21-pin and 8-pin in one decoder. It has four 100mA light functions. Of course it’s also wired ready for the super-slim Stay-AliveÖ that’s in the pack. ZN218 has a 750mA / 1 amp motor drive.
Empfohlen für Modellbauer und Sammler ab 14 Jahren. Aufgrund maßstabs- und vorbildgerechter bzw. funktionsbedingter Gestaltung sind Spitzen, Kanten und Kleinteile vorhanden. Verschluckungsgefahr. Deshalb nicht in die Hände von Kindern unter 10 Jahren!
- Hersteller
- DCCconcepts