BLI 3286 PRR Dampflok Serie T-1 Ep.2/3

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  • Epoche II/III
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DCC-Sound. Dampflok Serie T-1 (4-4-4-4) der Pennsylvania Railroad für die Epoche 2/3. Betriebsnummer: 5506

Equipped with full sound and Rolling Thunder for DC and DCC, this unique loco will be a sure crowd pleaser. History: The Pennsylvania Railroad T1 4-4-4-4 may look and sound like an articulated steam locomotive, but it really was a rigid frame locomotive with a second pair of cylinders dividing the drivers, making it a duplex drive locomotive. The design was a successful one and after a trial of two locomotives, the PRR ordered 50 more. Our models represent the production locomotives, as they appeared in the 1950s.

-NEW Paragon3 Sound & Operation System FEATURING ROLLING THUNDERTM with Authentic Sounds and Prototypical Operation in both DC and DCC environments
-Constant Intensity Directional Lighting with Prototypical Headlight
-All-Wheel Drive and All-Wheel Electrical Pick-Up
-Locomotive Composition: Die Cast with Die Cast Chassis
-Couplers: (2) Operating MicroTrains® #1015 or Compatible
-Compatible Tracks: Code 55, 70, 83, & 100 Rail
-Minimum Operating Radius: 9.75 in