Rapido Trains 573005 GM New Look Bus - New York(Blue)

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1959-1986 GM New Look-Fishbowl Bus with Working Headlights - Assembled

Detail Variations:

Illuminated headlights and brake lights
Front and Rear Steel Bumpers
Rear A/C unit

All of our N scale New Look Bus models include:

The exact New Look shape ? including the unique tubular profile ? traced from a 3D-scan of a real TTC New Look Bus
Full underbody detail including fuel tank, cabling, engine detail, etc.
Early (5303) rear engine door style
Left-side emergency exit door
Full interior including drivers controls, passenger seats and grooved flooring.
Super-detailed wheels with REAL rubber tires
Separately applied mirrors
Three front bumper styles ? steel, water and rubber (installed as appropriate)
Rear Air Conditioner Unit (installed as appropriate)
WORKING headlights and taillights, powered by a 9-12V DC power supply (not included)